The Curse of Multitasking

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I wrote a blog about our family's intention this year. Mindfulness. You can find it HERE.

But I want to say something that I've already noticed one major challenge I have.

Doing one thing at a time.

We like to call doing more than one thing at a time "multitasking." We clean up toys while listening to our child tell us a story. We brush our teeth while getting dressed. We make coffee while checking our email. We listen to podcasts while driving to work. As a matter of fact, I just got off the phone with my mom who I was talking to while planning content. 😬😅

Thinking back on the day, I'm wondering if there are any moments when I'm not multitasking? 🤔

As a mom and business owner, multitasking seems to be a critical trait to my productivity. Doing only one thing feels like a WASTE of time.

But i'm beginning to realize that there is a real problem with multitasking. And it’s not all the other things you’ve heard.

Curse of Multitasking

The true downfall of multitasking is that we are missing out on life. In fact, some of the most memorable and BEST moments of my life where times when I was fully present.

For example...

When my oldest was born, we did not have smart phones. There was no internet access on our phones and so when I would get up at 2 am to feed her. It was just me and her. I vividly remember looking down at her chubby cheeks and open eyes lit up by only a night light hidden behind the rocking chair. I remember singing hymns and how tiny her little booty felt in my hand as I held her against my body. Many times I was led to worship Jesus in those moments. My heart full of thankfulness and wonder.

There were also times where if I hadn't been fully present, I don't think my life would look how it does now. For example, again, after my daughter was born, I suffered from postpartum anxiety. I knew something was wrong. Even after the baby blues when away I was stuck at home. Forced to come face to face with the real problem. My problem wasn't that I didn't connect with my child. My problem was with myself. I didn't know who I was anymore, I felt worthless.

I learned so many valuable lessons during that first year of motherhood without a smartphone. And it is actually what led me to become a photographer in the first place.

How many lessons are we missing out on by multitasking these days? We cannot remember those moments better at any moment of our life than when we are currently in them. Just a thought.


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