7 Reasons to Have a Small Destination Wedding

Over the last year I got to photograph multiple destination weddings. One was planned and a few were last minute decisions do to COVID-19. And I’m here to tell you that these small, intimate, destination weddings are one way to ensure that you have a wedding. that is completely you!

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As a couple begins to plan their wedding the opinions and guest list will begin to show you that both families have expectations. They have extended family and business associates they would like to invite and they each have their own ideas of how things should go down. This feeling is accelerated when both families are from different locations.

However, when you decide to have a destination wedding somewhere that isn’t local, the drama subsides. Suddenly it’s less like planning a massive family reunion and more like planning your special day.


Have you ever seen Father of the Bride, Bridesmaids, or any other wedding movie? Weddings are stressful. But destination weddings aren’t. Many destination wedding venues have full-time wedding coordinators and staff who are familiar with that particular country’s or state’s marriage license requirements and they offer their packages in a way that will take care of all your ceremony needs. You just step off the plane and sign the papers and they will take care of the rest.


I think couples would be shocked at how affordable destination weddings are. For example, a couple can fly to an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica, get married, and stay for a deluxe week-long honeymoon for just a few thousand dollars. At that rate, you can spend more money on other likes… like a photographer. In fact, studies show that the average couple saves $2,000-$3,000 when they have a destination wedding.


When you have a destination wedding your photos will be better. They just will. I’m sorry but a field of corn is just not the same as a mountain range or a beach.

But in addition to that, if you hire someone local to you and then fly them out to your destination wedding location, you are getting the best of both words. You still get the engagement session so you guys can get to know one another. You have. someone to help with all the planning. And last but not least, if you hire a photographer that is not local to the area, you have a better chance of getting more fabulous photos. Here’s why… when we live in one place for a long time, we take beautiful things for granted. But, if you take a local photographer to the beach or the mountains, they will experience the same shock and awe that you do and photograph EVERYTHING…..


It’s true, if you have a destination wedding, not everyone and their mom will come. But after COVID-19 forced brides to have smaller weddings, I am here to say, 100% of the brides actually realized they didn’t want that. They were able to enjoy quality time with friends and family in a beautiful place, they didn’t have to walk around table to table and have forced conversations with people they barely knew. Everything was way more stress free and genuine. When you have a destination wedding, everyone who attends is a VIP.


Dreaming of an overwater bungalow in Tahiti? Or what about a ranch in Wyoming? A mountaintop in Colorado? Those white Florida sands between your toes? A rooftop in NYC? A castle in Ireland? A port in Italy? The rainforest of Costa Rica? Set your wedding there and you’ll be able to get married and check that beautiful location off. your bucket list.


It’s not uncommon for weddings to end with the couple still hungry and exhausted from making the rounds to greet and thank every great. But on destination weddings, the bride and groom get more time to truly interact with their guests over a longer period of time. Have dinner, horseback rides, a bonfire at the beach. You get to decide when the party ends, not a DJ.


14 Best Destination Wedding Locations in the United States


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